He shares with his readers in a very real way how God is shaping his life. Not every chapter has the word "God" in it and i think that's ok. Because if you've read Donald Miller, you know that God is sprinkled throughout his life and choices, and is simply a part of who he is.
This book talks about his discovery of the importance of a good story, in our lives, not just on the big (or small) screen. He wants to live a great story and recognizes that in order to do so, he must take risks and get out of his comfort zone. Otherwise, his life won't really be that great of a story. The more risks he takes, the bolder he becomes and then the more risks he wants to take. It's a cool cycle that once he gets in, he can't (and frankly doesn't want to) get out of.
The idea of living a great story is a really cool way to approach our lives. And when i think about the Bible, i immediately think of the richness of the stories - David and Goliath, Joseph, Moses parting the Red Sea, Jonah and the whale. And then i think about Jesus' time on earth. How did he teach? Through stories.
They are everywhere!! The great ones get passed on to new generations, through words, actions, influences, etc. The not so good ones lose a spot in history.
My prayer is that my story will be one of the good (and dare i say "great") ones. That doesnt mean that I want to be well-known, but i desire to take those risks, to radically love on people, to look at life as an adventure, and to have a positive lasting effect on those around me.
Thank you Donald Miller, for another great expression of truth and thus, another great story.